I Me Ours: Housing

Players: 2 or 4
Time: 20 min.

How to draw it?

  • start with a 5x5m square
  • draws dots every 1 m
  • in the corners, draw a 1 m line
You'll also need a few pieces of chalk (as many as there are players).

What to draw with?


  • Set an order to start and choose a piece of chalk.
  • Start in one corner each, for 4 players. For 2 players start from opposite corners
  • In turn, add a line between two dots.
  • Think of the lines as the walls of your apartment

How to win?

Whoever has the largest apartment (surface area) wins. Option: The apartment with the most players is the winner.

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I Me Ours: Housing


What does it mean to live together? In the IMO Housing game, we discuss how we share the space we live in. We have a space, a floor of an apartment block and we have to share it. It's drawn on the floor and we take turns drawing walls.What do we do? Do we live together or do we try to secure the biggest space for ourselves at the expense of others? What strategy will you adopt as others enclose their own apartment?
The strategies and debates that the game situation creates make us rethink the way we live day to day.


The I Me Ours series is composed of five games, each created in just one week. From Monday to Friday, the challenge is to come up with a concept and develop it. Then, on Saturday, the game is proposed to an audience for 2 hours, from 5 to 7. During this time, the game is experienced, the players come up with suggestions for improvement.Each game is developed as a large scale boardgame, fitted into a 4 by 4 meters square. While the games are mostly abstract in form, each concept is conveyed through gameplay.The series investigates property (private and common) from 5 different perspectives: transport, housing, food, work and the city. I chose this topic to place the game in a current socio-political context and debate. The game presents stakes for both players and the Eastern European art scene. The apparent conflict between subject and form (property and play) makes the theme seen from a more unusual point of view, thus overcoming certain existing preconceptions. At the same time, this subject brings the game into a borderline situation in which even its playful character is (apparently) undermined.

Team: Maria Mandea, Teodora Ungureanu, Ștefan Bunicelu, Diana Păun, Dana Pârvulescu, Iselin Huluba and everyone else who played the games (over 100 players).
Foto: Didi Elena, Teodora Ungureanu